Sunday, November 11, 2012

Galadriel Digital Speed Painting

Oh, I meant to do about fifteen drawings today and I didn't do even five. I didn't even do three (yet. there's two more hours.....) I ended up spending most of the day trying to figure out how to get my printer working (I still haven't succeeded) but I did indeed manage to re-install my Wacom program (again) so I got some digital painting in! hooray :)

I'm still soooo not sure what I'm doing on a tablet. I'm definitely trying to find a style still. It's hard, because there's just so much you can do with the medium. So here was my first attempt at doing a grisaille (gray under painting) and then color on top of that. It needs some work. But here's what I got done. I did this in about an hour.

I'm excited to return to Middle Earth. Can you tell?? We bought our midnight premiere tickets a few days ago. HOORAY. I have been waiting for this movie FOREVER and it is FINALLY here!!! I'm totally dressing up, I don't care what my friends say. I have waited far too long.

Also, I'm watching Ever After right now and that makes me want to do some historical costume drawing. So. That may or may not happen.

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