Okay guys. I do NOT call myself a digital artist. There is a reason for this. It usually takes me several days and at least seven internet tutorial searches before I am able to accomplish anything of note. But I DID get this really nice tablet for graduation, and since everything is going digital, well, I've made it my mission to at least be able to draw digitally.
So I'm working on a few projects right now, one of them that might possibly lead to a really massive graphic novel zombie project (yeah, we'll see how that goes.) and another that I am *hoping* to turn into a t-shirt just as soon as I can figure the damn thing out. I AM CURRENTLY NOT A FAN OF HALFTONES. *ahem* Sooo. Add on top of that the fact that I am STILL recovering from my Seattle trip, I have at LEAST 2 commissions I need to finish by the end of the month, and Biggby's birthday is this Wednesday, I have been....well, I was going to say busy, but in all honesty, I've been slacking. Because right now I'm just taking any down time I can get, since I know that Biggby birthday will prooooobably do me in for at least a few days.
Well anyway, here's some snapshots of some of the digital stuff I've been cranking out. I know they've still got a lot of work but I'm just excited that I've learned so much in the past few days regarding digital art as a medium. :) Remember guys, you never stop learning.
I love Misha Collins' face. |
So. I still don't get half-tones. But I'm starting to? |
the furthest I've gotten with the half-tones on his face. Too much? Maybe. |
Possibly doing a collab with someone who's writing a zombie graphic novel. I know! What would possess me to attempt drawing zombies and dudes?! |
Yeahhh they still need a little work. Buuuuut I'm gettin' there! |
Stay tuned for a few more posts. I've got a lot of stuff in the works right now, and so I'll be trying to write a few more posts in the next few days to keep you all up to date with what's going on.
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